In exactly efficiently works with immigrants mobile group
to provide timely and quality forced displaced people information that will help arrange life, find a job, find themselves in a new environment in Rivne city employment center working group on mobile integrated employment promotion internally displaced persIB. Another meeting was held at the Regional Library, where every week settlers from the East During the period of the antiterrorist operation in eastern Ukraine and Crimea annexation of hundreds of thousands of our countrymen forced to leave their places of residence. Among them are able-bodied persons and children, the disabled, the elderly, is particularlyof vulnerable people. Some of them stayed at the levels and the general problem of equation - to make sure that people who have lost their homes and possessions acquired over the years, have received the necessary support in establishing their own lives. Efficiently designed to help immigrants mobile group, established in Rivne city employment center for comThis complex employment promotion of IDPs. The next meeting of consultation took place in the regional library, where every week settlers from the East. Settlers explained the legal framework and job security for IDPs told about the services employment services. The interest of the audience and causednformatsiya the possibility of vocational training and retraining own business with the support of the employment service, so many questions concerned of these topics. For immigrants also produced a newsletter with a list of current vacancies reported by employers in the city. Employment specialists reported an optional startthese classes to study at the request of persons or business spoken Ukrainian language, which will hold weekly at the Center. The audience was presented and invited to participate in a number of diverse group events. Overall, the meeting was attended by 36 persons. The work of informing and consulting continues, including in the field of compaktnoho residence forced displaced persons. This was reported in Rivne city employment centerSource: