Pondering whether to help Ukraine, the world gives the aggressor time to prepare for large-scale offensive

" One for all and all for one! & Quot ;. Obviously, this principle does not apply to most of the world and Ukraine. At a time when our country continues east war and kill people - Europe quietly ponders over whether to intervene in the conflict and nadavaty support us. One calls for management of and sanctions, which Putin has almost no reaction will achieve nothing, so war can last many years, not only in Donetsk and Luhansk. President Poroshenko only March 16, 2015 addressed to the Supreme Council to urgently adopt a resolution to permit UN peacekeepers toUkraine. I believe that there really is a need for a long time, and the question of peacekeepers had only consider peacekeepers would have to be for a long time in the Donbass, and this requires not only request Ukraine - to speed up this process could and Western world. Solve the problem can only be if all act quickly and smoothly, as long asthis delayed - we enable the enemy to calculate our next steps and prepare for a large-scale attacks. This is what is happening now, while leading countries have been slow to support - President Vladimir Putin gave the order to bring the Northern Fleet, some compounds of the Western Military District and airborne troops in full combatreadiness (supposedly under sudden inspection). In particular, the sudden check combat readiness of the Northern Fleet, connections ZVO and VAT raised 38 thousand. Soldiers, 3,360 pieces of military equipment (including 40 armored personnel carriers), 41 ships, 15 submarines, 110 aircraft and helicopters involved self-propelled artillery andenitni gun-missile systems. Why this powerful, so to speak, the test - all clear. And of course, the new expected or unexpected attacks of first should be ready Ukraine, but Ukraine Putin will not stop, and the same horror that is happening now in the Donbas, threatening many European countries. Therefore, we must finally realno associate, not just pretend that someone is on the side of Ukraine and condemn the aggressor, but concrete actions to prove it: helping weapons, necessary equipment, most oust Russia from vital for each state for European and international organizations. So too much time lost. Do not miss a chance to restore peace!This was reported in the press service of the Ternopil regional organization VO " Freedom "

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/