Ivano-Frankivsk creation of voluntary fire brigades in rural areas - a requirement at present

Precarpathia continuing the project « formation of volunteer fire brigades in rural and village communities & raquo ;. The next step was conducting its study visits, seminars and consulting in the territorial thunderroof area. This project is for the promotion of Hanns Seidel Foundation (Fe ­ where ­ Republic of Germany) and in conjunction with the Office DSNS in and Ivano-Fra ­ n ­ ­ ing regional center booze ­ d ­ th ­ tion and training to public authorities , local self ­ wa ­ ­ ­ ­ tion, state enterprise, mustache ­ ­ ­ tanov and op ­ tions. Consultation workshops last four days – from 23 to 26 March and will cover almost half of the Carpathian regions, the participants will visit the towns, which have created or plan to create local fire brigades and where thanks to the initiative of locals residents formed or formed voluntary fire brigades. Typically, this is far from the center of the district and the creation of local fire brigades on the ground as stress management DSNS workers in the field, makes it possible to solve the problem of fire protection remote areas. Hell ­ but 70 percentof the total number ­ bones fires occur with B ­ lskiy E ­ stsevosti, and the distance where the ­ which settlements to keep ­ ments fire stations reaches forty kilometers, which makes it impossible to fire trucks arrive in time to the fire. During the meeting, where participants meet with representatives of paradisecient and local authorities, members of local fire brigades and volunteer fire brigades, there is an active dialogue and exchange ideas, discuss issues and ideas and developments for the future. First they visited the village Spas Kolomiyskogo area where they warmly greeted district and village leaders, and members of the team of friendlyEun Young firefighters organized concert also visited the village Kobaky Kosovo region. The next day the road lay on Tlumachchynu – the village and on Olesha Horodenkivshchina – Grapes in the village and the village rubble Snyatynsky area. Pilot project to ­ b ­ of voluntary fire units in at ­ settlements in Ger-HN di ­ lyatsya officers of Hanns Zai ­ where ­ la Dr. J?rgen Valhshofer and Walter Schwab. After all - and this is well known F ­ chi ­ vtsyam - European voluntary pho ­ p ­ tion eliminated 30 to 40 percent of fires in the early ­ eyelashes stage. The principle of organization of the E ­ s ­ Zeboim fire protection similar to publicFire Department, but fi ­ funding at the expense of local governments. Due to the executive power, indifferent heads B ­ l ­ ­ camping ­ ing and town councils in the area, despite the economic hard ­ soup, managed to create 24 locations ­ same ­ zhni ko ­ Mandi providing substantial assis ­ mohu professionsit ryatuva ­ l ­ nicks in extinguishing fires and volunteer fire brigades around 200. And those numbers will undoubtedly increase. It is worth noting that in recent years the leadership der ­ Ms ­ you and the State Emergency Service of Ukraine attaches great importance to the development of good ­ mo ­ ­ efficient innovation in- frastructure fire protection. Yes, mo ­ d ­ respectivelystandards included in the Code of Qi ­ mo ­ ment protection, which came into force on 1 July 2013, also adopted several laws. When developing these documents are considered European Std ­ RTI and experience of foreign countries. Before ­ brovilni fire formation zmo ­ horror raise fire safety in remote rural ­settlements in and to Ivano-Fra ­ nkivschyny with its mountainous terrain is very important. Similar measures are in Prykarpattia of ­ t ­ dytysya continue, and now nayvazh ­ ly ­ vishe task of the initiators of the actual ideas – adapted ­ th ­ wool German experience of voluntary fire units to modern Ukrainian realfirst. Management DSNS in Video

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/