This year Vinnichchine funded by the European Union will be created 5 agricultural service cooperatives (+ photos)

In the strategic area of ??support is the small and medium enterprises in rural areas, the development of the cooperative movement. The share of the population of households and small farms in general inyrobnytstvi gross agricultural output is about 40%. This was during a weekly meeting with the Head, the director of the Department of Agricultural Development of Regional Administration Mykola Neyilyk. "They are inferior competition in large enterprises. Therefore, the need state support. This year, through the Department's agricultureterm development program implemented to support the development and subsistence farming. Regional budget in the amount of 2 million will be used for lending to small producers who create jobs in rural areas "- Mykola Neyilyk. The main areas of lending are as follows: development of animalsnytskoyi industry and food processing. Now the Commission has identified 13 companies that will take advantage of that support, 6 farms have already received 850 thousand UAH loans for the rest - documents are under execution. According to Nikolai Neyilyka, Department of Agricultural Development of Regional Administration began to develop the new programdevelopment and subsistence farming until 2020, in which the direction of support will be saved and will be included in a proposal to reduce the cost of credit to such enterprises through partial refund lending rate. Need support associations of small producers in cooperatives. "Only cooperation will help them phormuvaty consignment and compete with large producers, to create added value in the processing of agricultural products. Department together with scientific institutions are working on the field of agricultural extension. Last week, on the basis of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University held "CDuhlyy table "on these issues" - Mykola Neyilyk. Moreover, according to Nicholas Neyilyka, close cooperation of the Department of Agricultural Development of Administration on International Coordinator. "This year, with the help of joint EU-UNDP" Local development-oriented agriculturalromadu - 111 "in Kryzhopolsky, Teplice, Yampil and Bar areas are created 4 agricultural service cooperatives. In Tomashpolsky region started the project of the European Union within the program "Support to Regional Development Policy in Ukraine" on agricultural service cooperativeatyvu the collection and processing of milk. Create 5 basic cooperatives will increase the yield of villagers and additionally create about 25 jobs "- said Nikolai Neyilyk. In turn, the RSA chairman Valery Cow stressed the need to create equal competitive conditions for all producers,working in Vinnitsa region. "Absolutely placed emphasis on the need to support the cooperative movement. The task of local authorities to ensure equal access for conducting agricultural business. However, you need to provide support for the cooperative movement, farms, so they can not only stay afloat, butdevelop and create competition for big business, which is very dynamic "- said Valery cow. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
