Two Volyn caught stealing from the company
24-year-old young man, who was the organizer of the crime, involved in illegal activity minor. By the duty of the stone Kashyrsky District Police received a report from the keepers of the enterprise that unknown persons entered the premises warehouse where trying toykrasty three gears. Workers Sector of criminal police conducted a series of search operations and found that the offense involved a 24-year-old and 15-year-old locals. During the investigation, police found that about 18 o'clock 24-year-old young man, by agreement with the minor 15-year-old boy, entered the warehouseand using keys Locksmith vidkrutyly three metal gears that are attached to the elevator. The next day, about 14 o'clock returned to the warehouse to make "prepared" things. However, this time they noticed the keeper, who prevented their criminal intentions. Investigative Branch Stone Kashyrsky District Police Ukraine in Volyn Start navigationthen pre-trial investigation ch. 3. 185 (theft), ch. 1, Art. 304 (Engaging minors in criminal activity) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Ongoing investigation. Hope TOROKANETS, Stone Kashyrskyi District Police Ukraine Volyn regionSource: