Serving a suspended sentence, two thefts committed Volynyane

hustlers convicted of acquisitive crime, stolen products and products from nonferrous metal. By the next part of Vladimir-Volyn MB Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Volyn region turned two resident city. Women found stealing from the business premises. Police operativeo set: the offenses involved 23-year-old and 31-year-old residents of the city. At night, they tore padlocks on the door, entered the business premises of the applicants and stole everything that was at least some value. Ferrous metal products they sold, and the money spent on alcohol. Investigation Department Vladimir-Volyn MB Internal Affairs of UkraineVolyn region for the given fact begun preliminary inquiry under Part. 3. 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Now thieves threaten real sentence - up to six years in prison. Alina Matusevych, Vladimir-Volyn MB Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volyn region
