Devyataya pregnancy Week

For all future moms need it to know, something devyataya Week javljaetsja Very vazhnm and osobennm period of development of the future child. More details at 9 week pregnancy we rasskazhet Pavlova A .R. - Editor zhenskoho portal World Moms". And so, in the week toy Very intensively formyruetsya ego nervnaya system and brain otdel, Kotory otvechaet for the Coordination of movements. Also happening installation of bodies, Thanks to Kotor Will vrabatvatsya adrenalyn (mozhovaya part adrenal glands). Size rebenochka napomynaet malenkuyu pea, but already ymeet kroshechnoe lychyko, fingers on hands, lips, nozdry, shoulders and Closed Glazko. Yschezaet and tail embryo. Hot immediatelyand devyataya Week of pregnancy, but all - but not worth it at zabvat standard receiving folic acid, Avto obespechyt polnotsennoe nervous system development Malysh. Particular WARNING buduschaya mother dolzhna obraschat on svoy kidney, vpolnyayuschye in this period dvoynuyu Business, Since kidney embryo has prystupayut for Allocation IZ svoeho organism produktov zhyznedeyatelnosty. Therefore, yours kidney dolzhn bt zdorovmy, Avto avoided at raznh uslozhnenyy DEVELOPMENT child. But If, nevertheless, you ymeete Problems with kidneys, obyazatelno need it for obratytsya doctor for prevention. Avto protection of kidney, need it to nekotoroe TIME forget, completely pozabt of salt and La Spezia. Impossible drink many water for the night. If in WaLevel ponyzhenny with hemoglobin in blood, he need it add to thy ratsyon Power Such produkty, kotore soderzhat iron (prunes, dried apricots, hovyazhya liver, dried apples, yzyum, pomegranate, ovsyanaya porridge, carrot and so on). If You stolknulys with such problemoy How rasshyrenyy krovenosnh vessels, the verny This is a sign that something's organism not hvataet vytamytions C and R. Relatively Power, is worth it to say, something Ono obyazatelno dolzhna bt ratsyonnm and zdorovm. Not zabvayte, something that's correct ymenno, ratsyonnoho and healthy nutrition, Will Very much zavyset Vasheho health of the future child. If constipation, upotreblyat recommend the apricot, carrot and Kefir. Protyvopokazannmy be categorical javljajutsjaely Bread and tea. Also worth it to know, something not Co?smes cases impossible podnymat subjects of severe, prebvat dolhoe TIME in a single volume and the same position. Remember, something future child - is BOL'SHAIa responsibility! Therefore shore itself and vasheho drahotsennoho little happiness.
