In Zhytomyr police investigating the embezzlement of nearly 2 million. USD. public funds received for the construction of roads

Operatives Civil Service for Combating Economic Crimes MIA accused officials of one of the companies in the region inflating the value of the current road repairs in the amount of 1 million. 750 thousand UAH. Later on public funds wouldulo removed through fictitious enterprises in the informal circulation and appropriated. Law enforcement officers found that for the repair of Novograd Volyn region 11 km highway section Kyiv-Chop concluded relevant agreements between the regional arm of the State Road and business entities. The management of the latter, in its Junegu, entered into a contract with a private company in Odessa purchase of goods (asfaltnobetonnyh mixtures of bitumen) and services. The audit of economic activity private company found that it is fictitious, and any goods from firms to the area for road works is not actually supplied. 13 bereznya this year launched a criminal under Part 2 364 (abuse of power or position) and art. 366 (Forgery) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Offenders could face imprisonment for a term of 5 to 8 years of deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to 3 years. CCA MIAUkraine in Zhytomyr region (Based UDSBEZ MIA Ukraine in Zhytomyr region)
