In Volyn police exposed the underground recycling scrap
Male arranged collection of metal in one of the garages in the former collective farm in the village Ivanichi. No documents such activities had not been. During the search, police seized about two tons of scrap. Earn a living volynyanyn decided on buying scrap Mr.yzhchymy prices and reselling at higher. Of course, the receipt of necessary permits people even thought. So unlawful point arranged in the garage of the former farm. - Volynyanyn using special mechanical weight, organized illegal storage and recycling of scrap iron, which later on in pereprodavavyschymy prices - the head of the District Police Ivanychiv Ukraine in the Volyn region Alexei Glushchuk. - During a search of the garage premises police seized almost two tons of scrap metal. Information from the given fact included in the Unified Register of pre-trial investigations ch. 1, Art. 213 (Violation of the order of operations metalobruhtom) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Sanction article provides for a fine of one hundred to five hundred times the income or community service from one hundred to two hundred hours. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volyn region (Based Ivanychiv PB)Source: