In Ternopil to the head of the regional council of Basil Homintsya received thanks from

in Lugansk grateful letter from the company commander patrol special police "Tornado" Interior Ministry of Ukraine in Lugansk region G. Onishchenko, in particular, states: "... heartily thank you for the support you have given to our soldiers whoare at the forefront. Without their support it would be impossible to meet and half of the challenges that lie ahead. Together we can make order in our beloved country and home to over the heads of our parents and children were peaceful sky. We are well aware that owe their success primarily to people who help us, In particularEMA and your help. We look forward to your support in the future! " Letter of Thanks handed Regional Council Chairman Basil Homintsyu representative battalion of special purpose "Tornado" in Ternopil region Bogdan Reva. This was reported in the press service of the Ternopil Regional Council
