In Ternopil derzhohorontsi guard public order

Derzhohorontsyam Ternopil this week had to restrain violators of public order and prevent theft The first to hit the Ternopil city police department was a young man who being drunk, caused a riot at the bar. Stop aggressive youngster workers MANAGEMENTtion of the State Security Service, who promptly responded to the message for the institution. The next day the alarm sounded from the grocery store and bar. Instant derzhohorontsiv arrival on the scene quickly helped to resolve conflicts and to extend the usual mode institutions. The next was the 23-year-old ternopolyanyn that assFor entertainment beat box in the "Friendship". By committing hooliganism dress of detention Management GSO he was taken to the police station. Soon one of the stores in the city Zbarazh derzhohorontsi caught the woman who tried to steal from the store products. She explained his action that could not resist the temptation. No oneo not seen it undertook hide products by lap, hoping that go unnoticed. But its output was stopped by the State Security Service. Now in its immediate weakness it would have to be held accountable. UDSO the Ministry of Interior in Ternopil region
