Ternopil: Zbarazhchyni continues to Spring combined with landscaping and beautification
200 100 trees and birches planted workers Department of Family, Youth and Sports Zbarazh district administration, Zbarazh LCD Coach education department district administration, district council DSF "Colossus" at the stadium "Colossus" m. Zbraj as part of a RayoNo Spring combined with landscaping and beautification. The press service of Zbarazh RSA. March 17 head of district administration Yu.Horayskyy, deputy head of district administration N.Zavadenko acquainted with the work on equipping playgrounds, running tracks, and discussed the improvement, streamlining and plantedof the stadium with employees DSF "Colossus". This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State AdministrationSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/