Ternopil: exploring the work of the State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate in

working visit on March 18 in the Ternopil region is deputy head of licensing, inspection and certification of State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate of Ukraine Yuriy Vasil'chenko. He studies the work of the architect of the Stateekturno and construction inspection in Ternopil region and its cooperation with representatives of local authorities. During the visit, Yuri Vasil'chenko met with the acting head of the Ternopil Oblast State Administration Ivan Krysakom. "We are exploring affected by the NGOs in the appeal to the President of Ukraine Mr problemytannya building in the city of Ternopil - said Ivan Bogdanovic. - In particular, the letter refers to the corruption scheme introduced by avoiding provided Land Code of Ukraine compulsory sale of land to communal ownership or rights to them only on land sales, a decrease in Ternopil area of ??green areas and parksin, and mass building downtown in violation of the standard indicators maximum building density of individual sites and urban communities. These questions require detailed analysis and in the case of confirmation of facts responding. " Representatives of the State Architectural and Construction Inspection Inthe country will become familiar with the system in the building and will make suggestions for its improvement and resolution of outstanding issues, said Yuri Vasil'chenko. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State Administration

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/