In the Rivne region information theft

One day the police received 23 reports of theft. Over 16 facts opened criminal proceedings under section 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Some of them are: - The police found that stealing things 33-year-old Oleg rivnyanyna he left the store without nakedlyadu, made a 56-year-old previously convicted resident of our city. The attacker captured packet, which were electric drills and two children's sweaters. - The police found that the theft of the economy 35-year-old Galina, resident Rokytnivskyy district, committed 35 years odnoselets injured Andrew. An attacker stolen from garage premises weldingmachine. - The police found that the theft at the store on the street Suvorov in Sarny committed a 30-year-old Nicholas area. The attacker took over the bike, which 46-year-old Vitali, left unattended near the store. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Rivne region
