Ivano-Frankivsk expert group reviewed all proposals submitted to the draft new version of the

cities in Ivano-Frankivsk city council session of the Expert Group to develop new projects the local community of the Statute and Regulations on local initiatives in Ivano-Frankivsk Within a month time city residents Yvesno-Frankivsk discuss the draft Charter territorial community and the Regulation on local initiatives in Ivano-Frankivsk. Published on the official website of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council drafts were the subject of considerable discussion meetings and comments by local experts and citizens. After one month of public obhovorennya projects and presentations open to residents of the city, which took place on 4 March, the expert group discussed all the proposals made. Most proposals submitted to the expert-analytical department of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council repeated. Most assessments initiated changes are positive and approving as they affect expansionI'm right managerial participation residents. The analysis offers expert group decided most of them consider as the main goal Developer align them with the public. In particular, the working group wishes ivanofrankivtsiv taken into account to reduce the required number of signatures under the rule of local initiatives proposed 300200. Thus, this rule will allow residents of small neighborhoods or streets to initiate projects on their own solutions to the city council members. Also taken into account experts offer public networks POLE concerning the establishment of a clear reporting procedures mayor, city council members and executive authorities of the city Laneed the local community. After this meeting, the proposed changes will be placing in the document and forwarded to the Deputy Commission. This was reported in Ivano-Frankivsk city council

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/