In Chernivtsi region helped rescue a man who got injured during work at a height of 15 meters

16 March at 11:14 on spetsliniyu « 101 » regional center received a report that on the street. Vilshyny while performing routine work on the review of advertising signboards worker shopping mall « Metro » injuredth lap. As a result, he was stuck in the middle support advertising signs at a height of 15 m. And was unable to independently come down to earth. A man reported it to his colleagues, who in turn called the People's rescue. At the scene were immediately sent to rescue a group of high altitude steeplejack and emergency rescue rescueding special unit UDSNS Ukraine in Chernivtsi region. The situation is complicated by the fact that the man was in a confined space – mine advertising signs. Using a special rescue unit rescue scarves, staff management helped the man down to the ground, then handed it to the hands of physicians. The victim taken to the hospital in Chernivtsi. Press Service UDSNS Ukraine in Chernivtsi region
