Last year Vinnichchine implemented 43 investment projects worth more than 1 billion. USD. (+ Photos)

These figures put forward during the meeting held March 16 Director of Regional Economic Development Regional State Administration Oleksandr Yakubyk. He said the 43 projects that helped to attract the region's economy 1,05mlrd. UAH., Reactivelizovuvalys in 15 districts and 4 cities in the region. It helped create 1,200 new jobs. Thus, in the food industry implemented 7 projects with total cost 720 million USD. (About 800 jobs). - In the area s / g infrastructure expansion and modernization of production in agriculture: 23 projects with total value of 110 million. USD. (BleeAbout 250 jobs). - In the field of renewable and alternative energy: 6 projects with total value of 40 million. USD. (About 30 jobs). - In the mining sector: 3 projects with total value of 150 mln. USD. (About 50 jobs). - In other areas, 4 projects with total value of 38 million. USD. (About 90 new jobss seats). Alexander Yakubyk also defined a number of investment projects implemented in Vinnitsa region by private investors. "Total implemented 70 projects worth 20.47 billion in 23 districts and 4 cities. Created more than 4,700 new jobs - said the official, - 38 existing projects with a total value of 140 mln.dol. USA, 18 districts and city Ladyzhin require additional funding. " Director of the Department of Regional Economic Development focused on international projects carried out in Vinnytsia region and prospects of implementation in the current year: - CBA III "Local Development CBA", through which in 2015 plansARE attract more than 500 thousand dollars. USA; - DESPRO, Ukrainian-Swiss project that during 2015 co-financing guarantees 11 rural communities totaling more than 6.8 million. (UAH 370 thousand per project); - Ukrainian Social Investment Fund submitted 68 projects chosen for finansuvaannya 10 total micro Islandsrtistyu 10.5 million. USD. The latest achievements in attracting investment funds Alexander Yakubyk named as follows: Department of Regional Economic Development ODA in 2015 will implement the project "Establishment of the Center adaptability of workers and entrepreneurs from the area of ??ATO and Crimea Vinnitsa region" in the amount of 320 thousand. Euro; Lipovetsky City Councilreceived a grant of 235 thousand. Euro on the development of cycling in the EU program "Support to Regional Development Policy of Ukraine"; Tomashpil district council won the project for the development of service agricultural cooperative in the amount of 477 thousand. Euro Zhmerinskaya City Council implements the project EnergyGo: Implementation of the Action Plan wasFirst Energy Development. Jmerinka "in the amount of 912.4 thousand. Euro; Ladyzhynska City Council won The "public involvement in planning urban spaces" of almost 400 thousand. Euro. Summing up the investment of the region in 2014 and analyzing the prospects for 2015 investment year, RSA chairman Valery said Cow"We must do everything to calm region developed. Only under such circumstances Vinnichchina be attractive to investors and create new jobs. So we will work step by step in this direction. " This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
