On 65 Vinnytsia police opened criminal proceedings for drug sales

From the beginning, the police seized more than 9 pounds of drugs and opened 235 criminal proceedings related to trafficking. Criminal charges are brought narkozbuvachiv 65. As the head of the fight against illicit traffickingDrug Regional Department of Internal Affairs Sergey Rudyk, documented criminal activity suspected operatives manages through a controlled purchases. From the beginning, the facts of sale of drugs opened 65 criminal proceedings. A recent arrests yesterday when police caught 24-year-old narkozbuvacha. The man had patrons among drug users and drug selling in the streets of the winery. An attacker sold foil bundle of amphetamine operatives 250 USD. On this fact openly criminal proceedings under Part. 2, Art. 307 (illegal manufacture, production, acquisition, storage, transport, transfer or salenarcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues) Part 1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and 309 (illegal manufacture, production, acquisition, storage, transportation or transfer of narcotics, psychotropic substances or their analogues without intent to sell) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. A man faces up to ten years' imprisonment with confiscation of property. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Binnytskiy area

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/