In February, more than a quarter million people crossed the customs checkpoints Vinnitsa

customs officers also missed more than 33, 5 thousand. Vehicles and 59 thousand. Tons of cargo. In February increased activity of economic operators who are registered Vinnytsia customs by 16%. Currently 1630 registered citizens who conduct transactions with goods. To10% increase in the number of customs declarations. As a result of foreign economic activity in February 2015 foreign trade balance is positive? 23.7 million. $ (Last year? 15.58 million. $). The volume of exports amounted to 42.67 million. USD (69% of total turnover), import - almost 19 million. Doleing the United States. The leader among the countries with which the subjects of economic activity conducted foreign operations is Poland (17% of total turnover). Almost 93% of the cost volume of export statistics provided in the February 4 commodity groups: food and agricultural products - 68%; wood and pulp and nUpper products - 12.8%; chemical products - 6.8%; textiles, textiles, shoes - 5% value of exports. Almost 90% of income taxes when importing provided 4 sectoral groups: chemical products? 34%; food and agricultural products - 23.8%; machinery, equipment and transT - 21.5%; wood and pulp and paper products - 10.2% taxes. The head of the Vinnytsia customs Alexander Savchuk at the meeting of PG DFS in Vinnitsa region said that at present most of the effort is aimed at customs enterprises engaged in foreign trade transactions with countries with offshore hundredtus and to practice risky domestic enterprises. In this and other parts of the lack of cooperation with the regional fiscal service. PG DFS in Vinnitsa region This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
