In Vinnytsia tax will go to a compromise by 17 April

representatives of businesses that use of non-transparent, this year a unique opportunity to lose weight tax liabilities. In fact, the tax compromise cancels the "sins" of unscrupulous businessmen who under certain circumstances, have participated in various shadeing fraud. Instead of 100% of tax liability must be paid only 5% and no fines or penalties Fiscal Service will number no. "It's like financial life from scratch, favorable conditions for cleaning hard to come up with a reputation. But businessmen with Ukrainian mentality does not believe in the existence of light and transparent opportunities. Therefore, in an empty areabegan to invent horror stories and look pitfalls. I want to say this "optimists" - read the source which is the law on tax compromise which is clearly stated. The legislator has provided exemption from inspection the periods and in terms of those transactions that were under the tax compromise. Payer yourself, Mr.odavshy specifying calculation calculates the payable amount. And attention, the ability to use the tax compromise limited period as well as future "? says Head of Research DFS in Vinnitsa region Miroslav Prodan. Recall that under the "tax compromise" covered transactions made during the period from April 1, 2011 to April 1, 2014.In addition to the last day of a payment (declaration) April 16, 2015. PG DFS in Vinnitsa region This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
