In Ternopil Public Council adopted the Program socio-economic and cultural development of the 2015

project of socio-economic and cultural development of the Ternopil region for 2015 were discussed at the meeting of the Public Council of the State Administration held March 12 in Ternopil Oblast State Administration. Carey joined the debateINEC structural units RSA. Those present at the meeting was also Acting Deputy Chairman John Babiychuk. Key indicators of socio-economic and cultural development of the Ternopil region for 2015 outlined director of economic development, investment and international cooperation RSA Halin Volyanyk. In particular, she noted that the draft program provides a set of key measures aimed at stabilizing the operation and development of industrial sectors and social sphere. "Part of this program is to proposals for funding activities of both state and regional target programs in the region, which will beimplemented in 2015 - noted Galina Volyanyk. - To ensure sustainable socio-economic development of the region and increase the quality of life of its inhabitants, a prerequisite in this regard is to increase the competitiveness of the economy and creating a favorable investment climate. " The draft program has caused concern among those present ta lively discussion that lasted almost 2 hours. For questions, comments and suggestions made by the representatives of a number of public organizations of the region. When questioned the director of the department, heads of departments Administration, direct executor of the program were given detailed answers and explanations. According to resultsWe debate the members of the Public Council made to the program suggestions and amendments recommended by the Acting Chairman of the Ternopil Oblast State Administration Ivan Krysaku approve the draft and submit to the Ternopil Regional Council. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State Administration
