By the 330 th anniversary of Bach Lions will be in a whirlwind of music the composer

The next Saturday, March 21, to the 330 anniversary of the birth of German composer Johann Sebastian Bach in Lviv will be "Bach Marathon". Almost night in music will sound world classics in different locations. Press conference on the largest one inhistory of classical music - "Bach Marathon". Photo: ZIK This March 13, told a news conference organizers. &Laquo; Bach Marathon » gather in Lviv over 600 musicians from around the world – Ukraine, Belgium, Switzerland, Latvia. Lions ’ Yang and guests are invited to concerts, almost continuously during the day will be held inPhilharmonic House of Organ Music, Potocki Palace. General Director Vladimir Lviv Philharmonic Society Syvokhip said: « Bach – This is really the universe … Bach to the public for World Cultural Heritage – This is how the frescoes in the cathedral, which is not erased. They are so qualitatively made that this is a kind of museum Faceness, and we in him – only temporary guests & raquo ;. Thus, in general, more than 30 hours will be heard works by Johann Sebastian Bach. Starts « Bach Marathon » Lviv Regional Philharmonic High Mass at 12.00, which will last until midnight. At night the doors open house organ music. Director of Lviv House of Organ and Chamberher music Vynnytskyi Julian says: « Bach wrote in various genres, but also unsurpassed in the past, and the present is its organ virtuosity. Organ music affects a person on her mood. Lviv artists will perform, and the statement is planned Baltic organist & raquo ;. In addition, as the director of the Lviv thionalnoyi Art Gallery Larissa Voznytsky, Bach's music also will be heard and the Potocki Palace. &Laquo; It sounds among the works of artists who lived at the same time as Bach, and were apparently familiar with it. It will be very organic and natural & raquo ;, – said Larisa Voznytsky. When « Bach Marathon » Classical music loversand will enjoy the most famous works of the composer, among them – legendary Coffee Cantata. Bach wrote it one time to order coffee house Zimmermann in Leipzig. This coffee house Bach worked occasionally wrote music commissioned by the owner. One reason for writing humorous cantata composer became rux to prohibit coffee for women. In addition, the « Bach Marathon » Children will be a competition for the best performance of works by the composer. Also on this day in works by Bach sound coffees ’ yarnyah, restaurants and hotels of the city, which are added to « & raquo ;. Marathon View a list of activities can be the poster on the site of the Lviv Oblast filarmoniyi. Told
