Thanks to concerned citizens Chernivtsi police arrested the robber

33-year-old chernivchanyn one of the markets of the regional center planned to "get hold of" cash. Prymityvshy first got the trade counter, rushed to him, took about 2 thousand and tried to escape. But the attacker noticed prodavchynya zdiynyala and screaming. Immediately citizenscalled police. Law enforcement officers quickly arrived on the scene and arrested the man in the order of art. 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine and put it in a temporary holding facility at MIA. An attacker confessed to the crime. Today he announced the suspicion of a criminal offense under Part. 1, Art. 186(Open abduction of another's property (robbery) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. A man threatens punishment of fine and imprisonment for up to 4 years. Chernivchanynu Court chose as a preventive measure in the form of detention. Pretrial investigation continues. It is known that the person has previously fell to the attention of law enforcement. It has itsnd another account opened criminal proceedings for theft. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernivtsi region
