Ivano-Frankivsk rescuers work with educators

According to the plan of the pre-school, schools of Kosovo area information Rose ’ yasnyuvalnoyi work on teaching educators the basics of civil defense, rescue workers had proper conversation in rural schools Lyuchky, Vision and Central Coast. First of all teachersemphasized the rules of behavior in case of explosive devices. The participants watched a video about the actions of the population in identifying GDP. The rescuers also warned about the danger of burning dry grass and debris. Representatives of educational institutions presented posters and leaflets instructive content, which will then be placed on tematychnyh corners fire safety. The knowledge of teachers and educators can use in conducting prevention activities with parents and with the most students. This area will conduct rescue work will continue, because the more people will be aware of civil protection, the greater will be coordinated their actions in case of faultknennya possible emergencies. Management DSNS in

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/