In Ternopil MoD continues to work on strengthening social protection of servicemen

Currently, the Defense Ministry and the General Staff are working on draft legislative acts to resolve the following issues: providing military Enlisted NCO contractual military service receives the right toing monetary compensation for rented premises (this exemption already provided by the current legislation for other categories of military personnel); dismissal of military personnel involved in conducting or providing ATO, from paying utilities and rent for the period of combat missions; providing for two pokiv with premises family members of military personnel who died, died or disappeared during the military service and the need to improve housing conditions; abolition of restrictions have been introduced to provide preferential spa treatment servicemen due to the introduction of the tax benefits for Yogiof receipt; improvement of granting leave to servicemen - participants ATO; being discussed to increase the maximum pension for retirement for military personnel who took part in anti-terrorist operations and exempt from military service to 90% of the corresponding amounts of financial support. According Ministrerstva Defense Service of Ukraine. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State Administration
