In Ternopil the winners of the contest projects of youth organizations
winners Identified projects of youth organizations, conducted by the Department of Family, Youth and Physical Culture and Sports RSA. To participate in the contest the projects submitted ten youth NGOsand area. Number s / n Title (event) Date / time of Location Person responsible for the 1. Retreat on "Features Ukrainian Christian life, or as we must be saved" 27-29 March 2015 c. Zarvanytsya Terebovlia area Ternopil City Association of Ukrainian Catholic Students 'renewal' 2. "The spirit of ourfirst times " 15 March - 31 May, 14-21 June 2015 m. Ternopil, all parts of the region Ternopil public sports and patriotic organization "Trident" them. Stepan Bandera 3. Easter hayivky "crown tie" 13-14 April 2015 m. Ternopil TOO branch of "Young Enlightenment" 4. School Easter eggs "Draw pysanochku" February 20 - 15April 2015 m. Ternopil, Buchach, Podvolochisskiy, Terebovlyansky, Chertkovsky, Berezhansky districts TOO branch of "Young Enlightenment" 5. Integrated Patriotic program "Our Heritage" January 31 to October 13, 2015 m. Ternopil, Borshchiv, Zalishchytsk, Berezhansky areas Ternopil City organization "Union of Ukrainian Youthin Ukraine " 6. Educational-methodical complex "Academy of young states creator" April-August 2015 m. Ternopil TOMHO "Galician bison" 7. All-sports-patriotic game "Gurba Antonivtsi-2015" 1-4 May 2015 c. Antonivtsi, Shumsky region TOO YPO "Youth Nationalist Congress" 8. Regional terenova game "Legend- UPA " May 2015 village Terebovlia TOO YPO "Youth Nationalist Congress" 9. Reservoir camp May-June 2015 c. Beetles Berezhansky district, p. Ditkivtsi Zborivsky district, p. Trybukhivtsi Buchatsky area Ternopil county youth organization "Plast - National Scout Organization of Ukraine" 10. Ecologicaling alloy Youth "Wave hold!" May-July 2015 Ternopil region, national park "Dniester Canyon Ternopil Regional Branch of the Ukrainian Youth NGO "Association of labor unions youth" 11. Education International Exchange "changing the country" July 2015 Lublin-Vienna-Goodensberh NGO "School of the young elite" 12. Retreat recreation camp "Sarepta" 9-16 August 2015 c. Zarvanytsya Terebovlia area Ternopil City Association of Ukrainian Catholic Students 'renewal' 13. International project ScientificFun- Scientific picnics in Ukraine" September 2015 m. Bershad Ternopilth obalsti TOO YPO "Youth employment center" 14. Ukrainian Plast "Olympics" 10-11 October 2015 m. Ternopil Plast - National Scout Organization of Ukraine, Ternopil village 15. "Knight School Ukrainian -2015" November 2015 m. Ternopil TOO YPO "Youth Nationalist Congress" 16. Retreat to thim: "Good family - an integral part of the Christian life Ukrainian" 4-6 December 2015 c. Envy Terebovlia area Ternopil City Association of Ukrainian Catholic Students 'renewal' This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State AdministrationSource: