In Ternopil INFORMATION regarding the appointment of one-time financial assistance in the event in case of death (death), disability or partial disability INFORMATION

on the appointment of one-time financial assistance in the event in case of death (death), disability or partial disability without disability servicemen viyskovozobov'yazanyh and reservists called up for training (or testing) and special or for service in the reserve. 1. A one-time financial assistance in case in case of death (death), disability or partial disability without disability soldiers, reservists and reservistsare called up for training (or testing) and special fees or to serve in the military reserve (hereinafter - lump sum) is paid according to the Law of Ukraine "On social and legal protection of servicemen and their families" (as amended), in the manner approved Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 25 December 2013 . 975 "On approval of the appointment and payment of one-time financial assistance in the event of death (death), disability or partial disability without disability military personnel, reservists and reservists called up for training (or testing) and special or to serve in viyskovomu reserve. " 2. One-time assistance - payment guaranteed by the state. The right to receive it under the said Act are: - In the event of death (death) soldier, military service or reservists, who called up for training (or testing) and special fees or to serve in the Reserve - family membersParents and utrymantsizahybloho (deceased); - In the case of disability was caused by injury (contusion, trauma or injury), obtained during the performance of military duties (during military service) or as a result of illness associated with the performance of military duties (to period of HNof military service), or disability of a person after his release from military service because of these reasons - servicemen, persons discharged from military service; - In case of disability no later than three months after his release from military service or after three months, but due to diseases of renti- ties or accident that occurred in the specified period of service - those exempted from military service; - In the case of disability was caused by injury (contusion, trauma or injury) caused by military service or reservist in the performance of military duties or Reserve serviceOr not later than three months after the meeting, service in the reserve, but due to illness or accident that occurred during the period of this meeting, Reserve service -viyskovozobov'yazani or reservists; - For an injury (contusion, trauma or injury) during atbov'yazkiv military service, leading to partial disability without setting him disability - soldiers, reservists and military service; - Receiving injuries (concussion, trauma or injury) during the period of military service, which led to partial disability without setting it invaliunity - military conscripts; - Receiving injuries (concussion, trauma or injury) while performing military service or service in the Reserve, which led to partial disability without installing it or disability -viyskovozobov'yazani reservists. 3. One-time assistance is made andyplachuyetsya: - Family members, parents and dependents of deceased (deceased), persons released from military service - through regional military Commissars (Kyiv City Military Commissariat); - Military personnel, military service or reservists called up for training (or testing) and special fees or to serve in eyelashescommand and reserve - in military units, they are serving or fees. 4. Dimensions lump sum does not depend on a military official position and is: - In the event of death (death) soldier, military service or reservists, who called up for training (or testing) and special or for passagtion Reserve service - 609 thousand. USD. (500 times the subsistence minimum set by law, 2014 - 1218 UAH.). The benefit is paid in equal shares among persons who are entitled to receive it. The failure of any of the persons from receiving a lump sum, its share is distributed among the other people who have greatt to receive it; - In the case of military personnel, the person discharged from military service disability was caused by injury (contusion, trauma or injury) which may be carried out during military service or due to disease associated with the performance of military duties : 1 group - 304.5 thousand. USD. (250 times the cost of living); 2 group - 243.6 thousand. UAH. (200 times the cost of living); 3 group - 182.7 thousand. UAH. (150 times the cost of living); - In the case of military personnel, the person discharged from military service disability that occurred during the period of military service, or due to disease, pov'yazanoho with the passage of his military service, or installation of persons released from military service, disability no later than three months after her release from military service or after three months, but due to illness or accident that occurred in the specified period of service : 1 group - 146.2thousand. UAH. (120 times the cost of living); 2 group - 109.6 thousand. UAH. (90 times the cost of living); 3 group - 85.3 thousand. UAH. (70 times the cost of living); - In the case of military service or reservist disability was caused by injury (contusion, trauma or injury) caused in the performance of duties iniyskovoyi service or Reserve service, or no later than three months after the meeting, service in the reserve, but due to illness or accident that occurred during the period of this meeting, Reserve Service: 1 group - 146.2 thousand. UAH. (120 times the cost of living); byGroup 2 - 109.6 thousand. UAH. (90 times the cost of living); 3 group - 85.3 thousand. UAH. (70 times the cost of living); - In the case of partial disability soldier who was wounded (concussion, trauma or injury) while performing military duties without disability - in the amount determined in modsotkah of 85.3 thousand. UAH. (70 times the cost of living), depending on the degree of disability, which is set by the medical and social expert commissions (MSEC); - In the case of partial disability military conscripts who received injuries (concussion, trauma or injury) during the period of militaryService - a rate that is determined by a percentage of 60.9 thousand. UAH. (50 times the cost of living), depending on the degree of disability, which is set by MSEK; - In the case of partial disability or military service reservists called up for training (or testing) and special fees or to serve in the militaryreserve, which wounded (concussion, trauma or injury) while performing military duties without disability - in the amount determined by a percentage of 60.9 thousand. UAH. (50 times the cost of living), depending on the degree of disability, which is set by MSEK; 5. Payment of lump sum not zdiysnyuyetsya if death (death), injury (contusion, trauma or injury), disability or partial disability without disability soldier, military service or reservists is the result: committing a crime or administrative offense; committing acts of alcohol, drugs or toxic ch 'yaninnya; intentional infliction of bodily harm yourself, be harmful to their health or suicide (except bring a person to suicide, established by the court); person submitting false information for the appointment and payment of a lump sum. 6. Appointment and payment of a lump sum on the basis of documentslisted below. In case of failure to submit a complete set of documents (such as the absence of a death certificate in case of death of a soldier), grounds for lump there. 7. The method of appointment and payment of benefits: - Persons who are entitled to lump sum turn the documents referred to in plaguestion following list of regional military commissariat (military - a military unit); - A set of documents checked and sent as belonging to the Department of Finance Ministry of Defense of Ukraine for examination by the Commission of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine to consider issues related to the appointment and payment of a lump sum;- Proven professionals documents considered by the Commission and submitted to the Minister of Defense of Ukraine for the decision to appoint a lump sum; - After the decision of the Minister of Defence of Ukraine sent money to regional military commissariat (unit) which submitted documents for the payment of a lump sum Receiveduvacham. The payment of a lump sum is carried out in order of priority according to the date of submission of documents after receiving the Department of Defense funds allocated for this purpose. LIST documents to obtain a one-time financial assistance 1. In case of death (death) soldier: statement of each adult who has the right to obtaining aid, and in the case of minors - the other parent for the payment of one-time financial assistance (standard form are in the military or military unit); A copy of the death of a soldier (original issue registry offices in the community); extract from the order to expel the dead (deceased) soldier fromlists of military personnel (providing military unit); copies of documents proving the cause and circumstances of death (death) military (military unit): to pay a one-time assistance to families of those killed during anti-terrorist operations - a copy of the medical certificate of death (given the family) and postsomlennya the death of military serviceman (military unit sent to the military commissariat of the place of residence of the family) for other cases - a copy of the medical certificate of death (given the family), a copy of the resolution of military medical commission to establish causation death (death), the act of investigation into the obstavyn death of a soldier (consisting commander of a military unit or Military Police Armed Forces of Ukraine and law enforcement agencies (prosecutors, police, Security Service of Ukraine)); copy of the registration authority or appropriate housing and service company, organization or local authorityof family soldier, military service or reservists (housing office or ketch); excerpt from the track record of the personal file of family members of military personnel (military unit issues); copy of marriage certificate - for cash benefits wife (husband); copy of the child's birth certificate - for one-time cash paymentchild care; copy of birth certificate soldier - to pay a one-time cash assistance to parents of the deceased (deceased); copies of passport pages adult family members with information about the last name, first name and place of registration; copy of an identification code of each family member; All copies certified by military commissionsariati (military unit), which accepts documents for the payment of a lump sum. 2. In case of illness, injury (contusion, trauma or injury) or disability: application for payment of one-time financial assistance (standard form are in the military or military unit); copy of the medical and social expert commission oninstallation percent and causation disability, or established disability (issued commissions MSEK Ministry of Health); copy Vlk certificate of illness (given medical institutions participating in the treatment); copy the commander of a military unit on the causes and circumstances of injury (contusion, Mayvmy or injury) appears in the unit; extract from the order of the commander of the military unit of de-listing of personnel and to military conscripts - a copy of the military ticket (for dismissed from service); copies of passport pages recipient lump of data surname, first name and beatkovi and place of registration; copy of the identification code of the recipient. All copies certified by the military commissariat (military unit), which accepts documents for the payment of a lump sum. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State Administration
