Ivano-Frankivsk region, rescuers went 28 times to put out fires on dry grass Precarpathia
cases of dry grass fires. According to data from the Office of the State Service of Ukraine of Emergencies in Ivano-Frankivsk only for the last day on the Carpathian region emerged 28 fires of dry grass. Most of thesefires recorded in Dolynskyy, Rozhnyativ, Tysmenytsya, Nadvirnyanskyy, Kalush areas and in the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council. According to statistics, most fire occur on private business grounds, on the side along roads near forests, in open areas in the field. The dominant itemrychynoyu dry grass fires is carelessness of citizens in the use of fire, people neglect basic rules of fire safety in dealing with open fire. Of fire in ecosystems can cause considerable damage, as is the risk of fire in houses and summer cottages, outbuildings. Nekontrolovane burning grass quickly cover large areas and threatened forests, equipment of electricity and gas, causing damage to the environment. Rescuers have warned citizens to comply with fire safety regulations when handling open fire, burn dry grass and vegetation remnants, not to provoke so thereing fires that can cause a lot of harm to others and the environment. Management DSNS inSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/