Vinnytchina: Action for signal "Attention all" (+ photos)

If you are indoors: hearing the signal "Attention everyone!" (howling sirens, intermittent beeps enterprises, signals vehicles), immediately turn the radio, TV, listen carefully about the situation and recommendations on how to proceed with this National Assembly; Do not use without having to phoneEPhON not to miss important messages; stay calm, avoid panic, if necessary assist the disabled, children, the elderly; Close the windows and depart away from them; Turn off electricity, water and gas; Gather documents, clothes, necessities, medicines, foods, drinking inode; go to a safe place, listen for further information to proceed. If you are outdoors: hearing the signal "Attention everyone!" quickly proceed to the nearest institution or institution where a radio broadcasting or television receivers; carefully listen to information and advice on how to proceed with this NA; Keep ACTKyi, avoid panic, act in accordance with the recommendations received. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
