The police seized three residents of Chernivtsi arsenal of weapons during the
authorized police searches found in the homes of three residents of Chernivtsi grenade, machine guns, pistols, smoke bombs, ammunition of various calibers, parts for weapons, crossbows, bayonet-knives, cans of gunpowder, etc. . According to the police chief Valery Zinchenko Bukovina, withanktsionovani searches in the homes of citizens were held the Shevchenko district police officers together with representatives of the district prosecutor's office for the decision of the local court. During the search of the apartment 23 years chernivchanyna police found a grenade RPG-7, the starting gun, gun for shooting arrows "Crossbow" foreign whirlpoolobnytstva shops to an AK-47 and a Makarov pistol, machine gun PKK, pencil from a Kalashnikov rifle, ammunition belt with wooden nunchaku made artisanal, tomahawk, knife throwing 10, two bottles of the drug "Teren 4", two smoke Checkers, about 400 grams of powder, with an arrow sharpened metal tip, two metal blades toez handle and 17 cartridges of various calibers. 19-year-old resident of the regional center of the house kept a Kalashnikov rifle, ammunition and two bayonet-knife without marking. The apartment has a 35-year-old man was found pistol crossbow foreign production without labeling than craftsmanship than "Mechete" and bat. No permits for storagemen had no weapons. So the police find out its origin. The discovered weapons and explosives seized police and sent to the Research Forensic Centre at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernivtsi region for the examination. According to the facts of a criminal proceeding, foreseeing st.263 (Nezakonne handling of weapons, ammunition or explosives) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Sanction article - imprisonment for up to 7 years. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernivtsi regionSource: