&Quot; Great Controversy " Stephen Pope as a step to return Transcarpathia Ukraine

March 10, 2015 Uzhgorod City Organization of Ukrainian association " Freedom " sample were forthcoming book Transcarpathian fighter for independence. Printed book with the original typewritten, who left to posterity by the hope out knyzhing in the world. Transcarpathian nationalists decided to make a dream come true countryman. As a student Theological Seminary, Stephen Pape took an active part in the organization of the underground youth organization " OUN Youth " Transcarpathia. At the beginning of 1940 in Hust held organizational meetings OUN, which took part in and Stephen Pape. In the same collections underground he was elected a member of the Provincial OUN. He was charged ideological work among the members of the UNO. He was also responsible for the press, for the newspaper " & quot ;, Chin was its editor. It was published numbers 4-5. Almost all of them were on pages 16-18. At the same time it was released and a few leaflets, brochure " Via dolorosa " - &Quot; accuses Madyarschynu & quot ;, written by Stephen Papom and his assistants. The most ideological and patriotic was August issue of 1941, which was published underground organization and program of the Hungarian invaders prosecution for crimes they have committed against the Ukrainian Transcarpathian. On this issue of the newspaper should tell apart becauseHe became the chief instrument guilty at the trial. On Labor " Great Controversy " Stephen Pape made a avtokomentar: " The Millennial rule of Carpatho-Rusyns Hungarians I know only from literature and archival sources, and the last period of stay under the rule of Rusyns Hungarians (late 19th and early 20th century.) - From memoryalong with my fellow older generation. In 1939-44 years, however, I saw with my own eyes and in their own skin experienced fanatical Nazis Magyar chauvinism that Hitler incredible blessing of torture suppress our struggle for freedom. At the time when thousands of Ukrainian patriots were tormented in prisons Hungary or were forced to emigrate abroadHungarian government hypocritically declared to the world that the Slavic peoples, including the Carpatho-Rusyns, only under Svyatostefanskoyu crown and led the Hungarians have all the conditions for the full development of their culture. Fortunately, history has not met the expectations of Hitler and his vassal Hortiya on global domination. Transcarpathia will of the majority of the population in 1945reunited with the Ukrainian people. However, it is within the Soviet Union won expectancy will, though on the path of national revival. And when Ukraine becomes independent and independent state (as it happens in the near future), then Transcarpathia, it will be free and happy part. And I Pov?eno bitter experiencem not exclude that the time will come when our land and lift up the head anti-Ukrainian forces will require job " Hungarian Rus " of Ukraine and its return to the fold Svyatostefanskoyi crown, which she seemed to " historic " belongs based on millennial stay in state borders Hungary. My work is based on historicalfacts and personal observations should show people that coexistence Carpatho-Rusyn-Ukrainian of Hungarians were not so perfect (especially from the second half of the 19th century), which try to present its anti-Ukrainian forces. It was marked by great struggle of our people for national, social, religious and cultural rights & quot ;. FromThis need becomes apparent edition for the modern reader. Especially at a time when so acute issue of independence of Ukraine. This was reported in the press service of the Transcarpathian regional organization VO " Freedom "

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/