In Transcarpathia police detained monster who raped 12-year-old girl

On the eve of International Women's Day to Irshavsk police department asked a resident of one of the villages in the area. A woman reported that her 12-year-old daughter raped. Irshavskoye rapist police detained 28-year-old man previously convicted. Nakoyivshy disastervillain trying to escape. At the scene immediately went investigative team headed by the Chief Irshavsk district police Lt. Myron Chernychkom. As noted, the attacker often came to visit the mother and the girls have long thought of their dirty deed. On that day the 12-year-old girl without parents at home caring ECStheir smaller brethren. The father of the victim is working abroad, and have meanwhile amused ... When she went to the toilet, where it grabbed unkind guest, dragged to an abandoned house where raped. Only the next day, when the mother returned home, the child vidvazhylas said that it happened ... The mother of the victim immediately zatelefonuvala the police. Guardians, interviewing child learned exactly who wronged her, and navidalys to his home. However, the offender was not home, and none of the family knew about its location. This man came out about a year ago from prison, where "sat" for rape and car theft. Earlier he was punished withand theft. Even as a schoolboy, was registered in the nursery police. When looking for rogue police Lieutenant Basil Kebelj and Police Major Basil Voloshinovskii decided to check out an abandoned house nearby. Going to court noticed a man who tried to flee. However, the police caught up with him and detained.At this time the victim is being treated in the local hospital. In this incident Irshavskoye police department started preliminary investigation st.156 Criminal Code of Ukraine (Corruption of minors), which provides for imprisonment for a term of five to eight years. Vita Horzov Irshavsky District Police
