Lviv mobilized firm that has paralyzed wife not paid salaries to
IA ZIK correspondent called the zone of ATO mobilized soldier from city Horodok Lviv region. 38-year-old George Bodnar asked to explain management firm where he worked to mobilize when finally it paid the debt of pay - t 2IP. 50 USD. A soldier complains that he stayed at home paralyzed wife and son, and they have the money now needed to. According to George Bodnar, for a woman Natalie go tidy sum for drugs that are more expensive every day. &Laquo; And heard from guys that worked on that since two thousand chiefs want to remove USD 800 for clothing,which gave me. Therefore beg IA ZIK, who once helped us with Natalia escape from poverty, and now help Declare please give me when wages & raquo ;, – says defender. When asked correspondent IA ZIK, what went into the army, if there is good reason for this, – George Bodnar replied: « I Signaturea summons without designing. We – son. He must live in a free country from invaders … & raquo ;. A journalist called ’ yazavsya with Mayor Horodok Lviv region Nikolai Sawka, who promised to visit Natalia Bondar-Ikawa and her son and explain everything personally. &Laquo; Natalie, above all, give financial assistance. Let us examineI'm with the firm from the city … & raquo ;, – said Mayor towns. Natalie Bodnar, Ikawa journalist's failure to communicate – raises up. Our last conversation with this woman was a strong spirit of Christmas: Natalia could not nahvalysya its courteous and intelligent and industrious little boy and a good lover, then husband George mobilizovanym was not, and went to work in the city. Recall that in 2010 roktsi in Lviv region Gorodok Natalia Bondar-Ikawa created a unique feat mother – paralyzed young woman who risked his own life bore little boy Yurchyka. Although doctors strongly predicted the worst: that attracted serious illness to bed the sameInca might die in childbirth and child (if miraculously save) – will cripple. But, fortunately, did not happen. After learning about the pregnancy, her husband George immediately took the side of his wife. His Natalochku he sincerely loved eight years ago when she was paralyzed – at first sight and for life. During his thirty years Nataliaexperienced is that I bring, Lord, no. Last she was diagnosed, even when she was very young, before the wedding. Doctors claim that moved in childhood influenza, most likely, was given later in signs. Natalia forever forget that ill-fated day. The school was all right. The mood was especially elated, because a week – WeightElijah. And suddenly ceased to obey feet. The girl was frightened, pulled herself together and the last effort Dobrelya home. The first man vows at the altar that live in sorrow and joy until death do us part, – not kept. The patient's wife it was not needed. And a half years later, young wedding couple divorced. &Laquo; Probably AllCherry, hearing my prayers, – says Natalya. &Ndash; compassion, gave me the opportunity to pour out on paper Unfortunately, no reason, no reason began to write poetry. Rows of love and betrayal lay on paper one by one. While created the – the soul becomes easier. I already own poems about a thousand times … & raquo ;. The fact that Horodokparalyzed poet living close family accidentally told his friend, still unmarried young man Yuri. The news intrigued him. He asked to be invited to visit Natalie. When he saw the fragile beauty with luxurious brown long hair, big sad eyes wise, which, like a beautiful princess from a fairy tale, a sitting cushionx with fixed feet, – a heart sank, – Yuri says. &Laquo; Natalka get registered at the clinic I took a bike. However, doctors advised an abortion, because there is a threat to the life of his wife and child, – says the young man. &Ndash; Then we hired a car and went to Lviv. And there Natalochku inspected, said that pregnancyb proceeds normally & raquo ;. According to Natalie, little boy was born full-term, healthy and beautiful – weighing 2 kilos 600 grams, height – 50 cm. Named we Y. Yu. Natalie gave birth to the regional hospital Lviv Medical University. It identified the best for her room. Allowed to be near her husband tsilodoBovo. Now in its disability Natalia gets a little more thousand pensions. The man looked after her and the child did the work in the house and on the farm. Go to Poland « hook » or builder in Portugal, as do all young people now, could not. Earn as normal in order to feed seven ’ S, had no place. Himselfand the only cure is, you know, are expensive. In Natalochky not only paralyzed legs, but also began to deteriorate vision … So IA ZIK announced another dozen information about Natalia Bondar-Ikawa, which later turned to officials of seven ’ th: in particular, helped Yuri get a job. Ludmila Shubin for IA ZIK.Source: