In Ternopil in Krementsi can rent a considerable area under Ground Cafe

total area of ??108.1 in April on the street. Chornovil, 16 in Krementsi intends to submit to rent Property Fund Regional Office for the Ternopil region. Balance-object is Kremenetsko-Pochaivskiy State Historical-Architectural Reserve. Maximum termRental - 2 years 11 months. The purpose of - placing a cafe that sells not excisable goods group. office space. Applications are accepted for rent February 24, 2015 inclusive at 46008, m. Ternopil, st. Tantsorova 11 (ca. 603), PB SPF in Ternopil region; submitted in a separate envelope labeled "Statement on rent"With the name and location of the object of the lease. In the case of two or more applications landlord announce a competition for the lease. This was reported in the press service of the Ternopil Regional Council
