Leaders welcomed Vinnichiny women groups and RSA Regional Council of 8th of March (+ photos)

On the eve of International Women's Day chairman of the regional state administration Valery Cow, Chairman of the Regional Council Sergey scrolls and Deputy Governor congratulated his fellow women on the occasion of spring. "There are no words to expressthat inspiration that you give us. In this difficult time you assume, perhaps even more than you need, skip through all his heart and soul. And Welcoming you with this spring holiday wish the elevated mood, peace, harmony, love and inspiration "- addressed a welcoming speech to the audience RSA chairman Valery Cowfirst. Regional Council Chairman is Sergei scrolls noted that it is women - guardians of families, genera and Ukraine in general, and then wished everyone health, wealth and good. Greetings and best wishes to the women heard groups Administration and Regional Council and deputy heads of regional state administration. And the creative congratulations on holidaysand presented to all present the best vocalists winery. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/