April 25 in Ternopil region will host the "Make Ukraine Clean"

April 25 throughout Ukraine from 10.00 to 20.00 hours. will host the "Make Ukraine Clean". This was reported at a press conference on the Ukrainian public organization of the international initiative "Make Ukraine Clean" in Ternopil region, heldMarch 5 in RSA. The event took director of Family, Youth and Physical Culture and Sport Viktor Matsykur and Director of the Department of Education and Science RSA Lubomir Krupa. "Our goal is to educate responsible citizens' attitude to the environment by combining public, commercial and public sector cleaning withvoyih towns and villages - said the regional coordinator Victoria Mykytiuk action. - As part of the Initial Environmental Festival purity in which different parts of Ukraine will Bikes, eco-quests, view the "green" films, planting trees and flowers, landscaping areas, eco forums, workshops, field kitchenand national flashmob with the greatest number of collected garbage in 1 second. " According to her, the project involved NGOs, commercial companies and public enterprises, whose employees join the action at the level of corporate social responsibility. In turn, Victor Matsykur noted that the initiative is a usefulth and educates the public social responsibility. "Ternopil oblast administration is ready to join the project and will contribute to the involvement of NGOs him - Viktor Stepanovich. - It is important to annually increase the scale of the project, because of the increase in the number of settlements that will participate in the project zbilshuvatymetsya number of responsible people. " Organizers also said that already for five years in various Saturdays throughout the world (1 day -1 country) conducted extensive cleaning, uniting the whole country. Note: The action "Make Ukraine Clean -2015" is part of a worldwide movement Lets Do It World, uniting 11 million people in 112countries in order to take care of the ecology of our planet. This is an annual one-day nationwide socio-ecological action of cleaning and landscaping weedy green areas and places of public recreation. The action "Make Ukraine Clean" does not support any political party and is non-commercial project. ZUCH - a social project that conductsya solely on a voluntary basis. The project has already become the largest social project of Ukraine, has won numerous awards and honors (Effie, Globe Awards, Green Awards, Silver Mercury). April 25 action provedetsya fifth. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State Administration

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/