Ternopil: 23,24 events in April near the hamlet Vines that Berezhanschyni dedicated to 55th anniversary of the last fight of resistance, start year rebel victory in the
This decision was taken members of the Organizing Committee for the Ternopil region in the 55 th anniversary of the Ukrainian Insurgent soldiers fight Army under the hamlet Vines Berezhanskyarea. According to the Ternopil Regional Council on November 20, 2014 1824 On Declaration of 2015, a year of the Ternopil Oblast rebel victory in honor of 55 anniversary of the battle, the soldiers of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army during hamlet Vines Berezhansky district" was formed organizing committee. Chairman of the Regional Council Vasyl Hominets etc.oviv its first meeting, during which the approved measures as part of the Year of the rebel victory, including Vyshkilnyj camps Nakov conferences, rebel fire, reconstruction of combat and more. The next meeting is proposed to spend two weeks. As previously reported, the head of the regional council Vasily Hominets signed spacingyadzhennya of introducing a organizing committee. The document says "In order to ensure organizational celebration in Ternopil region 55 anniversary of battle soldiers of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army during hamlet Vines Berezhansky area in accordance with the decision of the Ternopil Regional Council of November 20, 2014 1824 On Declaration of 2015, a factrnopilskiy Region Year rebel victory in honor of 55 anniversary of the battle, the soldiers of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army during hamlet Vines Berezhansky area ": 1. To establish an organizing committee to celebrate in the Ternopil region 55 anniversary of the battle soldiers of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army during hamlet Vines Berezhansky area composed according to the application. 2. BkAzan organizing committee before February 27, 2015 to develop a plan for celebration in the Ternopil region 55 anniversary of the battle soldiers of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army during hamlet Vines Berezhansky area, timing action plan to Heroes Day - the holiday spirit greatness voyakiv- Ukrainian freedom fighters Ukraine, and submit to approval of the head Ternopilskoyi Regional Council. http://www.obl-rada.te.ua/dokumenty/rozporyadzhennya/pro-stvorennya-orhanizatsiynoho-komitetu-z-vidznachennya-v-ternopilskiy-oblasti-55-richnytsi-boyu-voyakiv-ukrayinskoyi-povstanskoyi-armiyi-pid-khutorom-lozy-berezhanskoho-rayonu.html This was reported in the press service of the Ternopil Regional CouncilSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/