In the Rivne region added spring days

Rainbow colors creative exhibition of various souvenirs completed their studies in graduate courses kvitkarok of the Center for vocational education state employment. In addition to the certificate they were also certificates of mastering plug "Modern technologies healduced souvenirs and jewelry from different materials. " And now each of the trainees, training centers aimed at employment Chernivtsi, Rivne, Volodymyrets, Goshcha, Zdolbunov, Kostopil, Koretsky, Mlyniv areas presented his little man-made wonders. It all started easy. Women admit that mostare these courses did not think that they are able to create something on their own, but for the future of self towards making gifts and decoration looked rather skeptical. Now feel - they are many, are able and capable to develop. Some already understood that these skills can be converted in a commercial project and make nice captureing the basis for small business. Teacher Tatiana Semeniuk believes that learning how to make beautiful decorative items that will add joy and comfort home, make an original gift, everyone can. A group of graduates praised for their diligence, creativity and desire to improve. Listener also grateful to the young mentor for creativity andspirituality. While studying listener mastered technology of artificial flowers, textile materials, modeling of paper and paperboard (Quilling, origami, paper decorations), making flowers in techniques "kanzashi" and beading, creating dolls motanok. The use of a rod in floral compositions for interior decoration admonish Maister industrial training Dove Valentine. Heat wave is a real delight "battalion" of various dolls motanok - krup'yanychok, guardians travnychok. Carefully, with love and understanding their listener traditions created under the direction of teacher Irina Tanasyuk. Graduate Samchuk Olga told how to organize charitable KostopolWell share of manufacturing amulets for our soldiers who defend their homeland from enemies. "One of my doll was in the pocket of a soldier-countryman and safely returned with him from the area ATO" - proudly said Olga. Julia Tolmachev from Chernivtsi admitted that, having decided to go to study in Rivne, and did not expect that mastered these various tehniky making souvenirs and jewelry, but also afraid of accommodation in the hostel. And now Julia returned to Bukovina with good impressions about the training of teachers and hostel accommodation. She already knows how to do great things with new ideas, inspiration and ... booklets about study opportunities in Rivne TSPTO PES, which will distribute the center Busyyatosti. Delicate paper decorations, Ukrainian wreaths, hanging interior decoration, original Sweets dishes made from yarn, flowering trees with napkins, gift boxes - all of these products are made available and very inexpensive materials, but here are the most valuable female hands warm, loving heart and the desire to protect nearby and most native. The training ofakladi proud graduates, masters and lend their spring colors every day. Photos can be viewed here This was reported in Rivne city employment center
