In Lviv sentenced the head of the district hospital employees whose time has not filed a declaration of income In accordance with Resolution
district court officer pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a fine of $ 850 USD. The police found that the head of a district hospital has not taken measures to combat corruption. Mynulogo, the subordinate officers did not file by April 1, declaration of assets, revenues, expenses and financial obligations for 2013. Thus, the official committed an administrative offense provided st.172-9 Part 1 (failure to take measures to counter corruption) CAO. According to the resolution Zhydachivsky district court EID womanNano guilty and sentenced to a fine of $ 850 USD. In addition, law enforcement officers were administrative protocols st.172-6 Part 1 (violation of financial control) CAO for the rulers who did not file by April 1, declaration of assets, revenues, expenses and financial obligations for 2013. According to the postanovy District Court, they were found guilty and sentenced to a fine of $ 170 USD each. CCA Interior Ministry of Ukraine in Lviv region the materials OCD Interior Ministry of Ukraine in Lviv regionSource: