The Khmelnytsky oblast libraries transformation of vocational education in powerful electronic scientific information center XXI century

Under such auspices of February 26, 2015 held a workshop on "Organization of digital libraries in VET" on-line. It was a continuation of last year started working with electricalenforcement libraries. The results of the training workshop in October 2014 to all librarians VET was offered a free digital library My Home Lib. Most librarians tried to adapt the region received the program in their school and practical achievements in the present case shared at the workshop. Vycherpni answers to questions that have arisen during operation of the electronic library, webinar participants received competent librarian kindergarten "Khmelnitsky center of vocational education services sector" Filimonov TN Most documents retains knowledge resulting from intellectual activity or a person creative team and canregarded as an object of copyright. The establishment of legal protection of intellectual property in the system of information resources, that the copyright notice. That is why the workshop was the question of copyright in the environment of digital libraries. In addition, the coordinator of professional clubs, Methodist Departmentinformation and publishing activities and best pedagogical experience SMC PTO PC Luzhnyak LV suggested ways librarians digital library content textbooks training as electronic versions of textbooks on subjects of general education is accessible on the Internet. The information was
