L'Svoboda organized a meeting with Igor activist Square Zastavnyy
February 26, 2015 in Lviv under " multimedia lectures " Shevchenko on the initiative of the youth organization VO " Freedom " met lecture participant Maidan Igor mortgages. &Quot; The topic of conversation was the Maidan, which takes in all of us & quot ;,- The head of Shevchenko district of " Student Freedom " Roman Fedyshyn. During the meeting, Igor said mortgage as February 20, 2014 at Instytutska received three gunshot wounds. Man hospitalized in Kiev Clinical Hospital, but doctors were unable to save his leg, had to resort to partial amputationsuu. Further rehabilitation mortgage Games held in Poland. However, despite their experience, their participation in the Revolution of dignity activist spared. &Quot; When the square was severely beaten students, I could not stand aside. I have two younger nephews and I would very much like for a while and they just beat. I could not leave the fightthem. But when he went to Independence wondered vidtisnymo security forces and all. However, began mass executions, many patriots died while & quot ;, - said activist Square. Games mortgage convinced that every death during the Revolution of dignity - not in vain: " We are not at war, but learn to fight. The losses are very large and heavyfor every Ukrainian, but was confident that victory will be ours & quot ;. This was reported in the press service of the Lviv city organization VO " Freedom "Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/