Quarantine in School level extended to March 3
members of the Standing Committee on technogenic and ecological safety have decided to extend the quarantine in Rivne schools to March 3. This decision was taken because of still high incidence of influenza and SARS in Rivne. Therefore, it is recommended to extend the measures provided for in epidemichnyy period, including leaving education in schools continue to ensure that the measures provided for in the epidemic period by the Mayor number 886-r dated 25.11.2013 "On measures for the prevention of influenza and SARS in Rivne for 2013-2018 years" for stabilization of the epidemic process. So March 3 Commission tehnohEnno and environmental security will resume its work and decide whether to continue quarantine measures in the regional center or not. This was reported in the Rivne City CouncilSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/