More than 8000 Volyn Last year sought to protect their rights in the Prosecutor's Office
Last year, the prosecutor's offices Volyn examined 8.3 thousand downloads. More than three thousand of them to solve for the other departments. Resolved by the prosecutors in 2014, 5000 downloads, satisfaction - 152. As a result of solving prosecutors appeals rozhlyanuto from taking measures 58 submissions canceled 7 illegal acts, prosecuted 37 officials, including 6 - regulatory authorities, recovered 19 thousand. UAH., and of more than 1169 thousand. UAH. stated claims. The lion's share outstanding in the prosecution appeals were appeals for representing the interests of thundercitizens in court, the observance of land legislation and for the preliminary investigation. Careful attention was paid in 2014. The prosecutor of compliance penal legislation and consideration of appeals HC ’ yaznenyh or their relatives. Thus, upon consideration of the appeal HC ’ yaznenoho Manevychi penal colony establishedthat it has wrongly applied the administration of penalties in the form of reprimand for violating the internal regulations of penal institutions and CEC of Ukraine. Also convicted was limited to the right to manage their own funds, while dependents is two young children. Elimination of these disorders onsuppliers colonies made reference, which is considered illegal and subject to discipline canceled and the funds in the amount of 11.6 thousand. UAH. listed relative convicted for child support. Last year, prosecutors were also organized and conducted ascertain compliance with applicable law regarding the rights of HC ’ yaznenyh and convicted in withreturning. In order to eliminate violations prosecution Oblast Head of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine in the Volyn region included an indication that reviewed and is satisfied with two officers disciplined. Special attention is paid in the prosecution of personal reception communityyang. In 2014 prosecutors made public in 1055, more than half of them - personally heads prosecutors. Also ask the right person at the reception to the prosecutor used the 52 prisoners. Note that citizens who intend to seek protection of their rights and interests in the prosecution, be aware that the provisions ZackONU Ukraine « On Prosecution & raquo ;, which took effect from 26 October 2014, amended certain features prosecution. Currently, prosecutors denied the functions of supervision over observance and application of laws. Now the main role in the performance of tasks assigned to specialized bodies of state power and control. As a result, authorities prokuratUri deprived of the power to direct interference with citizens, private companies and organizations outside the sphere of criminal justice - that can not conduct inspections of compliance with legislation, make documents response. The powers of the prosecutor's office in public relations in non-criminal proceedings,exclusively limited its ability to perform actions relating to the implementation of the constitutional function of representing the interests of citizens or state court. However, the prosecutor of the court of citizens' interests only if the failure citizen through failure to age, disability or disabilities selfyno protect their rights violated and when legal representatives or agencies who legally have the right to protect the rights, freedoms and interests of such persons do not exercise or improper exercise its protection. Therefore, citizens must first apply for protection of their rights and freedoms to the relevant organs of state supervision (control) and OrgAniva local government. In case of disagreement with the decision taken at the request – to a higher authority, or directly to the court. With the adoption of the new Law of Ukraine " On Prosecution " Art is also possible. 29 of Ukraine " On Public Appeals " to implement supervision of the observance of lawsappeals. To cancel this norm Last year, the prosecutor's offices conducted 45 field inspections in the executive branch, local government and regulatory agencies, which revealed a number of violations of the laws of appeals. They included the removal of 39 submissions, which are considered of taking measures to accountand prosecuted 26 officials. Press service of the regional prosecutor's officeSource: