In the Zhytomyr region firefighters eliminated fire in a private house
February 12 at 5:33 paragraph called ’ communications 10th State Fire and Rescue parts Novograd Volyn received information about a fire in a private dwelling house brick dimensions 22h16 m, located on a street in the district center. By sluZHBI Rescue « 101 » called the owner of the house, and found that fire. Upon arrival of the next guard firefighters to the scene found that the fire covered the roof of the building on the area about 8 square meters. The efforts of fire fighters DSNS was localized at 5:37 and completely eliminated at 07:00. The fire had destroyed April 8 m cutLee and 10 sq m of external wall insulation. The dead and injured at the scene were found. Previously determined that the cause of the fire could be violations placement and operation of furnace heating. Currently, experts set the final cause of the fire and the amount of loss and salvaged items. In SDSC Zhytomyr regionSource: