Bukovina police advised: do not leave valuables in the car - that you attract the attention of thieves
Only in the last days before police officers turned six Bukovinians reporting the theft of personal belongings, money, documents from their cars. So we turn to the citizens asking to be circumspect and follow the advice pravoohorontsiv. So to protect their good and stiff hands thieves should: - Equip the car an alarm; - Use the services and parking garages that are protected, do not leave your car unattended; - Do not give the keys to the car workers stations, car washes and unfamiliar people; - Always lock careven if you have to go away for only "a minute"; - Do not leave valuables in cars, especially in prominent places - on the front or rear panels, seats, etc. So you are unconsciously provoke intruders. Typically, in many cases, thieves prey are GPS-navigators, video, radio. With auto salonomobilya just "lost" bags, documents, laptops and mobile phones. Thus thieves spoil door locks, break glass, sometimes causing greater damage than the value of the stolen property. And if you have seen as suspect tries to penetrate the car, call to "102". Do not be indifferent, because operative paragraphovidomlennya times increase the chances expose criminals! SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernivtsi regionSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/