Prosecutors Rivne region continues to verify the legitimacy of state officials during the Revolution
Advantages of the prosecution of Rivne continue to audit the lawfulness of the state officials on the ground during the Revolution dignity. In particular, attention is paid to the audit revealing facts related to opgaining organization "Antymaydan" obstruction of free expression of their political positions, compelling employees of public organizations in various activities, illegal use of budget funds and other facts that may be grounds for taking additional measures. In particular, the investigation department of the prosecutor's office area has been completed dosWidow investigation in criminal proceedings and directed the court indictment in relation to an official of one of the medical institutions of the region, which in timesheets entered false information about the number of hours the employee, while the latter took part in a rally in support of "Antymaydan '( crime,under Part. 1, Art. 366 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). In addition, prosecutors Rivne region initiated action check one of the judges Rivne Regional Administrative Court for the December 2013 decision that limited the exercise of the right of people peaceably to assemble in. Exactly. Suitable materials prosecutors currently pending temporarilysecond special commission to verify the judges of general jurisdiction. To provide a comprehensive, complete and objective legal assessment of the actions of former government officials during the Revolution of Dignity, prosecutors again asks area residents who have any information on the events of the time, including the organization and dispatch within November 2013 -February 2014 to the capital of citizens to participate in provocations and obstruct peaceful protests, report the facts. If necessary, guaranteed confidentiality of sources of information received. Press service of the regional prosecutor's officeSource: