Ternopil: competition "Safety in life - life safe 2015"

State Emergency Service of Ukraine and the Ukrainian public children's movement « School Safety » a competition for children and youth arts « Safety in life – life safe & raquo ;, 2015 held in from 25 February to 20 May 2015 inidpovidnosti to Regulation (enclosed) among secondary, after-school and vocational education in the Ternopil region aged 7 to 17 years, students clubs « Junior Lifeguard & raquo ;, « School Safety & raquo ;, members VHDR « School Safety & raquo ;. The aim of the competition - the education of children and uchnivsvein Youth Culture safe life, forming a conscious and responsible attitude to human security and life safety of children in society, to draw public attention to the issue of safety and safe life of children in the present, the development of creativity and identify and support talented and atbdarovanyh children. To participate in the competition only individual creative work (one of the best work from each category and age group). Works winners district and city stages Contest send in up to May 20, 2015 to the Organizing Committee at: 46001 m. Ternopil, st. Family Barvinskya 10, Educational cent, the Civil Protection and Life Safety Ternopil region, tel. / fax (0352) 25-37-45, e-mail: nmc.ternopil@mns.gov.ua Of the Ukraine and Children and Youth Creativity « Safety in life - life safe »

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/