In Transcarpathia police seized

grenade During the operation "Weapons and explosives" workers Irshavsk CID police department seized from 47-year-old inhabitant s.Dunkovytsya grenades F-1. Irshavskoye detectives received information that 47-year-old resident s.Dunkovytsya keeps at home grenades. To itat navidalysya rozshukovyky and found wrapped in cloth grenades F-1, which the owner hid under the carpet. As the man that brought the grenade with his late cousin Kyiv ... Removed grenade, as the chief of police department Irshavsk Lt. Myron Chernychko aimed at research to the Research forensic expertchnoho Center at the Ministry of Internal Affairs area. On this fact openly criminal proceedings under Part 1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine st.263 (illegal handling of ammunition or explosives) is checked. Law enforcement officials remind citizens that the detection of explosive items should be extremely careful, because moisture from smallsecond spark or shock grenade could explode. Such dangerous trophies now you can bring a lot to the East, so be on such dangerous discoveries immediately reported to the police. Vita Horzov Irshavsky District Police
