Community Chernivtsi will take care to seriously ill children received the necessary treatment time

Half a million hryvnia through city comprehensive program "Protection" is selected to provide monetary assistance to families who have seriously ill children requiring expensive as likuvannya.Poryadok use of these funds and the provision of such aid will be approved by theExecutive Committee. The draft city budget for next year is planned to foresee expenditures for such assistance. "We need to make the decision to assist the family, which is experiencing trouble due to the serious illness of a child taken quickly, but it was transparent to the community. No child should not lose the chance of recovery due to lack of funds fortreatment. I have no doubt that Chernivtsi support this program and their understanding of the needs of finance for the city budget ", - said Mayor Alex Kaspruk. This was reported in the Chernivtsi City Council
