Leading diabetoloh Cuba Manuel Vera Gonzalez met with Vinnytsia journalists (+ photos)

In Ukraine at the invitation of Ukrainian Diabetes Federation (PFM) is a leading world expert in the field of diabetic foot, Diabetolohiv president of the Association of Cuba, Vice-President of the International Diabetes Federation Manuel Vera Gonzalez (Cuba). the press pricesThree Department of Information and Communication of the RSA, he held a press conference for media Vinnytsia. The press conference was attended by Valentina Ocheretenko - executive director of the Ukrainian Diabetes Federation, Tatyana Babi - Director of the Department of Health and resorts Vinnytsia Regional State Administration, Marina Vlasenko - Professor ZawiyaDepartment of Endocrinology VNMU duvach them. Pirogov, Philip Prudius - President of NGO "Vinnytsia Regional Association of Endocrinologists," the chief doctor of Vinnitsa Regional Clinical Endocrinology tertiary center. Vice President of the International Diabetes Federation, Professor Gonzalez, describing the health care system in Cuba emphasisSee that with limited funding still Cuban medicine has made considerable progress, even compared to the more developed and rich neighbors: "We have a unique health care system. The most important thing in it is that it covers the entire country - from small towns to big cities. All services are free - from initial examination andakinchuyuchy transplantation. The first thing we do: prevention and patient education ", - said the Cuban specialist. As a complication of diabetes is very heavy, and treat them as expensive, the Cuban medical community pays great attention to the prevention of diabetic problems. "We have high-quality public education program not only topatients with diabetes, but also for people with any chronic diseases. So Cuba, step by step, reduced complications and mortality statistics. For example: in 2010 Cuba effects on mortality from diabetes was in 4th place in the world and in 2014 at the 8 - in just 4 years, figures have decreased by half, "- said Professor Gonzaloez. In turn, Director of the Department of Health and resorts RSA Tetiana Babiy described the system of care for patients with diabetes in the Vinnitsa region, where the account of about 46 thousand. She stressed that at all levels - primary, secondary and tertiary are well trained professionals who can provide quality AssistedOSU patients - diabetics. Also taken the necessary measures to ensure that all patients free insulin, to which the regional budget allocated 15 mln. USD. with the state medical subsidy. All press conference participants were unanimous that Cuba, as a country with very limited financial resources are extremely good example for Ukraineus. To achieve positive results in early detection and prevention of diabetes complications, we need to work actively in the information space, and teach the patient and his family, in t. Ch in the form of day care, using the experience of Cuban doctors. The visit Manuel Vera Gonz?lez - lecture for Endocrinologyhill, primary care physicians and surgeons on issues of organization providing care to patients with diabetic foot syndrome, as well as the experience of health care in Cuba and assist in diabetic foot, familiarity with the work of Vinnitsa Regional Clinical Endocrinology Center and tertiary signatureI Memorandum of Cooperation between NGO "Vinnytsia Regional Association of Endocrinologists" and the Association Diabetolohiv Cuba. According to the visit, Manuel Vera Gonzalez will visit Vinnytsya Regional Clinical Endocrinology tertiary center, which is one of the leading centers in Ukraine to provide pediatric care. Toexploration: The UN General Assembly in a resolution of December 20, 2006 November 14 was declared World Day to combat diabetes and since 2007 it marked under UN auspices. For the first time in human history Non-communicable diseases (diabetes and its complications) were the major cause of mortality and incidencevanosti in the world (60%). In Ukraine, the prevalence of diabetes is 2.4% of the population (with the actual prevalence in 3 - 4 times higher). According to WHO, in 2011 the number of patients with diabetes in the world reached 366 million. People, and predicted that by 2015 the number of cases will reach 400 mln., Because it doubles every 15 years, ie,it comes to the epidemic of diabetes among adults. The most rapid increase in incidence observed in developing countries - in Asia, Africa and South America. On the number of deaths in a year has diabetes through HIV / AIDS: about 3.2 million. And 3 million people. People per year, respectively (WHO, 2004). In Ukraine, the main trialLemma diabetes is its late diagnosis and the low level of awareness of patients. Unfortunately in many cases the disease is diagnosed at a stage when it is formed by folding irreversible complications. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/